Monday, July 28, 2014

Blueberry Donzi Haskell

I finally made it back Home for the weekend! My roommate from Holland came along for the adventure! We had such an amazing time! I finally got to have my chakras re-aligned in the most amazing way! We went out to see JBC play at a local bar. The next morning we went for a run in fair haven fields and got superfood smoothies before we met up with Lena Frank and Jonathan to go Blueberry picking 😍 jersey blueberries are by far the best blueberries ever! I will have these bushes in my garden one day soon!!! :) We played pinochle and went for a sunset cruise on the donzi with Connor and John. Tjimke liked seeing all the different houses on the water but the speed was her favorite!!! Later we went to the salt creek grille and saw emmie! It was a great weekend and we had so much fun :) Sunday we went to the Haskell for my moms birthday! It was great to see family and spend time with friends! The race was so fun and we had such an amazing Jersey excursion! 

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