Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Brooklyn Blood Moon

I woke up at 5am today October 8th 2014
In pursuit of a little magic I headed out to the Brooklyn Bridge Park and the slight chance that I would see the blood moon.

It was very cloudy and dark and I wasn't sure where I was supposed to be looking. Then suddenly just as I walked down I saw several photographers set up taking photos and I knew I was experiencing the blood moon yet it was a mysterious experience. The wind was blowing, yet there was a sense of warmth in the sky. This hazley crescent of flamingo orange peeked out against a pale blue backdrop of cotton candy clouds. 

After the sun began to rise, the clouds performed a mystical display of life in the morning sky directly over New York City. 

Off to my favorite juice bar. You are what you eat... Green! Well a little bit of everything. 

Danny's song was playing on the radio. 

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