Thursday, September 4, 2014

She believed she could! So she did!!

If you don't believe in yourself then how can you expect anybody else to believe in you. It is amazing how much confidence one must build and knowledge one must gain in order to trust themselves enough to stand up for themselves when somebody else questions them. There is a certain energy each person gives off and I'm starting to realize which vibes are the ones I want and need to continue to surround myself with. I love meeting new people and having them believe in you and your infinite potential. I just want to spend more moments with these people and climb as high as I possibly can with my dreams so that I have only positive energy around me while I'm trying to grow. I welcome all those positive people into my life and I look forward to meeting you and spending quality time with you. Brooklyn's Famous Meadows have begun to grow. They sprouted straight from my heart.  

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