This weekend I had an amazing eye opening experience. I finally felt like my life was my own. I love those moments of life we want to hold on to forever but they only last for seconds. But the realization is truly the best part. Living through the experience and carrying it with you for the rest of your life knowing and feeling life as yours. It's such a beautiful thing. Having a deeper relationship with oneself and finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
I'm going to be an aunt!
I had such a great time with my family and my sister today! I love her so much and I'm so excited for her to be a mommy! She has a great support system behind her and so many people who love and care about her and her little man! I can't wait to meet this very blessed baby boy! I couldn't imagine my life without my sister... we've had so many amazing memories and I love her more than words. Even if I'm not always there I think about Christina constantly! Xoxox I wish her little family only the best and true happiness!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The Brooklyn Blood Moon
I woke up at 5am today October 8th 2014
In pursuit of a little magic I headed out to the Brooklyn Bridge Park and the slight chance that I would see the blood moon.
It was very cloudy and dark and I wasn't sure where I was supposed to be looking. Then suddenly just as I walked down I saw several photographers set up taking photos and I knew I was experiencing the blood moon yet it was a mysterious experience. The wind was blowing, yet there was a sense of warmth in the sky. This hazley crescent of flamingo orange peeked out against a pale blue backdrop of cotton candy clouds.
After the sun began to rise, the clouds performed a mystical display of life in the morning sky directly over New York City.
Off to my favorite juice bar. You are what you eat... Green! Well a little bit of everything.
Danny's song was playing on the radio.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The People's Climate March NYC 09.21.14
Today was more amazing than I could have ever imagined. I went back to NYC this weekend for the Worlds Largest Climate March!
Friday, September 19, 2014
28 is already amazing
Life is about the journey and enjoying all of the little gems along the way. I had such an amazing day with my friends and family today. I couldn't have asked for more wonderful memories of my birthday in Brooklyn!
The last weekend of summer 2014
I'm heading home on the train to New Jersey to see my family for the last weekend of summer. I'm also making it back to NYC for the climate march this Sunday. I have been volunteering and spreading the word about the march and I am excited for our voices to be heard on this historical event. I'm also very glad I get to see my family. It's nice and unexpected but the weather is getting too cold for shorts and sandals so back home I go to collect my favorite cold weather attire :) see family and march the march!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Breakfast of champions
I woke up at 5:00 am exactly this morning without an alarm and started my day. I went into manhattan with a friend for a networking breakfast event where I met some incredible individuals. I was introduced to this wonderful group of people and I will continue to connect with them by introducing them to more sustainable ideas about green roofs and design opportunities. I saw the moon while walking to the subway this morning and I was so motivated to be there and be able to be a part of this group. What a great start to the day! For breakfast we had nuts and granola with fresh fruit and scrambled eggs with a salad and scone 😋 I could get used to this for sure!
Getting excited for the year ahead!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Come and get your love
I went to see guardians of the galaxy with my friend Jacob! Best movie I've seen all year by far! I love Chris Pratt's attitude in the film and in real life as well. He had a pretty hilarious ice bucket challenge and not too long ago he was living out of a van. I'm kind of glad people stopped me from doing that eventho every chance I got I would put anything and everything in my car including an Icecream maker and a monopoly game!
The soundtrack to the movie breathed some life into my world! I love when you hear a song that makes you believe everything is going to be alright. It's my new work out music, my work jam and the music I listen to to fall asleep at night! I was listening to madonna and dusty Springfield and the beetles prior so this livens things up a bit!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
She believed she could! So she did!!
If you don't believe in yourself then how can you expect anybody else to believe in you. It is amazing how much confidence one must build and knowledge one must gain in order to trust themselves enough to stand up for themselves when somebody else questions them. There is a certain energy each person gives off and I'm starting to realize which vibes are the ones I want and need to continue to surround myself with. I love meeting new people and having them believe in you and your infinite potential. I just want to spend more moments with these people and climb as high as I possibly can with my dreams so that I have only positive energy around me while I'm trying to grow. I welcome all those positive people into my life and I look forward to meeting you and spending quality time with you. Brooklyn's Famous Meadows have begun to grow. They sprouted straight from my heart.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Change the world
I want to have the best impact on this earth that I can while I'm here! Success is how much better off the earth is because you lived. I made a deal today that I would start a business and change/save the world if I win the lottery! I played the only one that was playing today (the day I was supposed to be born) and and it turns out it's cash for life. $1000/week for the rest of your life! That would be enough to support me while I change the world! I'm perfectly content with this offer and I'm willing to accept my challenge!!! To be continued...
Contemplating a Bicycle
I've been volunteering and maintenancing roofs this past month and certain places in Brooklyn are next to impossible to reach and walking is the next best option... What about a bike!? It's super environmental and it's exactly what I'm supposed to use as my transportation except I can think of a million excuses why not to do it. NYC drivers is just one to name and I'm not an amazing bike rider, just not yet but it's a commitment and I'm not sure if I'm a NYC bike rider yet!? Maybe I'll ask for a bike for my birthday!?! And maybe some health insurance to go along with it! Lol
Thursday, August 7, 2014
The Man of my dreams
This is the second time today I've been stuck on a train in the subway! No better time to blog ;) get what you want in life, you have to ask for it. I must realize what I want, in order to attain it!
I wrote a poem in 8th grade and won a poetry contest.
God created so many wonderful things.
One of the best is what love brings.
There is more to it but for now let's focus on Love.
I want Love. The kind of love that you don't find everyday. I want my soulmate and I want to compliment this person in every way possible. It may seem like an unreasonable thing to ask for but it is something I truly believe is out there. You can't have what you don't ask for; so I'm asking!? Hey, you never know and it will happen when you least expect it.
I want someone who is passionate about life and exploring the world. I want someone that is passionate about something that makes them unique and a good person. I want someone who is passionate about me and about love and wants to live a life of adventure and passion with me.
I can't wait to live life like this and dream dreams and explore life! This would be the ultimate dream come true. And it will happen sooner than I ever imagined.
If trees can live in Brooklyn than I will continue to dream!
Brooklyn Official!
Today I moved to Brooklyn and I'm officially living here for a full year! I'm Independent and ready to find myself in this new home of mine. A dear friend and mentor of mine, Diane helped me move my things to Brooklyn! I don't know what I would do without her! I know I would not be the same person I am today if it weren't for her! She is one of my angels.
Our adventure to Brooklyn was a lot of fun! I kind of liked driving the UHaul van I rented... It doesn't take much to trump the gem. I love it here! It's alive with so much life and it truly never sleeps. I mean it!... The bus runs all night long! I have so many fun things I want to do here and I can't wait to be doing them and telling you all about it! The roaring twenties! And I'm officially flying I feel like I have wings and I've taken off in an amazing direction that is so true to my heart. I feel as if I was put on this earth to make a difference and I'm trying with every ounce of my being to make the best impact I can! Here's to a life worth living and being an inspiration for those to follow!
I made it to prospect park's Brooklyn botanic gardens with my old roommate he found a Brooklyn buckeye and I got to go to my favorite place in all of Brooklyn! And I live just steps away from this beautiful place... I now call home!!!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Creating and Being (Brooklyn)
I'm starting to realize how easy it is to get caught up in other peoples interests and how it's easy to loose sight of your own passions. I am having a lot of fun doing the things I like and they make me feel like I'm making a difference in the world or at least in ny or Brooklyn! I started volunteering with the design build team at the Gowanus Canal Conservancy and I'm getting more involved with them and I'm signed up for tree plantings during the week <3 We are building a tetrahedron out of bamboo that floats plants on the canal. It is an experiment to see what can thrive in the canal. I'm so excited to be a part of this project because it's a lot like the competition I was working on except this is real.
I spent Friday with my roommate and we went for a run in prospect park and layed out on the roof and had a dance party and hula hooped! Later that evening we went to prospect park for celebrate Brooklyns BrazilFest. Saturday, A great friend from home came to visit me and we went to ample hills for a frosty treat and played catch up. Sunday, My cousin came into the city with her friend to visit me for the day! It was so wonderful because I was starting to get lonely in this big city of perfect strangers. I love when someone comes to visit you. It's their way of saying they want to be with you and they'd love to see you. It was such a special day and these little things mean so much to me.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Blueberry Donzi Haskell
I finally made it back Home for the weekend! My roommate from Holland came along for the adventure! We had such an amazing time! I finally got to have my chakras re-aligned in the most amazing way! We went out to see JBC play at a local bar. The next morning we went for a run in fair haven fields and got superfood smoothies before we met up with Lena Frank and Jonathan to go Blueberry picking 😍 jersey blueberries are by far the best blueberries ever! I will have these bushes in my garden one day soon!!! :) We played pinochle and went for a sunset cruise on the donzi with Connor and John. Tjimke liked seeing all the different houses on the water but the speed was her favorite!!! Later we went to the salt creek grille and saw emmie! It was a great weekend and we had so much fun :) Sunday we went to the Haskell for my moms birthday! It was great to see family and spend time with friends! The race was so fun and we had such an amazing Jersey excursion!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
I'm going to be an aunt!
Today I found out I am going to be an aunt to my baby nephew!!! I'm so excited! I feel like such an adult and I'm excited to be a good role model for the little guy. He is the one I'm doing the green roofs for; I am making him a future worth living. I can't wait to share this excitement and joy with somebody! Life gives you what you can handle. I know my sister will be a great mommy and I'm excited to be the really cool aunt that lives in New York City or wherever and I will be the best sustainable designer I can be.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Independence Day
Today was a wonderful day where I really enjoyed myself and went along with the flow but also made decisions along the way. I'm kind of fascinated how long the days feel and how amazing a rainy Fourth of July sans fireworks can turn into a memorable summer adventure.

In the morning Chimka and I went for coffee and we had a great heart to heart about what it is in life that we as women truly need. Well wouldn't you like to know... Balance. In every essence of the word. Balance in life love and happiness. Respect and energy. I love meeting new people and getting to know them on a deeper level.
I met up with Aunt Kathleen and Sue and her son. What a great guy and we turned what could have been an awkward evening into a really awesome time! All the parks were locked so we went over to highline park and dispersed delicious cherry trees along the way! I can't forget to mention the very american cab driver that got us there... 80's music which included BonJovi n Journey. I don't think we were supposed to have fun or enjoy hanging out but I do believe you only have as much fun as you think you deserve. Life is too short and every opportunity should be truly embraced. I sat in my favorite bench and went to my favorite "new park" and shared this gem of the city on Independence Day! Good thing because when we got back there were no fireworks... Sometimes we have to be our own fireworks :)

I love that feeling when you can be yourself and this whole time since I moved here I've decided to only do things that make me happy. Laundry and dishes included :) Before this beautiful day was over I snuck into the Vanderbilt for some Fourth of July watermelon because I wanted it! Afterwards I met up with my Chefs and we had a great fourth and fifth of July. I met some awesome neighbors and now I have even more local friends to hang out with. The world has so many opportunities and we just have to be willing to accept and embrace them. Cheers to our independence and to making wonderful decisions because we can.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Getting caught in the rain
Prospect Heights: My first full day living in Prospect Heights was amazing... It started off with my green roof job, today we had three maintenance projects all of which are located right in my neighborhood! Can't beat it :) luckily they were mostly shaded roofs and it wasn't too brutal. My boss and I got some Icecream at ample hills creamery after work as a nice frosty treat on this hot summer day! Just for the record I'm cheating on you hoffmans... I've found someone better!!! I went to stocked for dinner mmmmeatballs n greenbeans oh so delicious! I hung out until the rain passed and met some awesome brooklynites... afterwards I went to visit my landlord and get the scope on the new neighborhood... All the secret spots are being unveiled one by one. Oh how wonderful life is. Just waiting to be explored. I'm so in love with life, it is all I need right now. Imagine. I am so glad I am here and everyone I meet is so welcoming. The neighborhood is perfect everyone is happy to be here. I even got a personalized text message from the chef at the Vanderbilt saying how they have steamers all weekend just for me! Brooklyn is just perfect for me and I couldn't be happier. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and allowing me to grow here in this wonderful place.
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