Sunday, March 30, 2014

Green roof boot camp

This has been such an amazing experience... I know I am in the right place and I am already doing exactly what I was intended to do. I just finished my green roof boot camp which was three intensive days of condensed course material for becoming a green roof professional. I love vegetated roofs even more now and I am excited to make a difference in this newly rooted industry.  I think I have just the right amount of creativity and environmental consciousness to be an amazing green roof professional. I got to see a few amazing friends while I was here and Connor came to visit as well. I stayed with family, or even better... Friends that I consider to be family. What an amazing adventure! I am exhausted and inspired beyond content and I've never felt more content with my career and the direction in which it is heading. It feels like the right thing and I love it because it is something I feel very proud of and have worked very long and hard for. That feeling of fulfillment and excitement all wrapped up together. 

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