Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hartshorn Hike with a Wonderful Friend

Today I got to see Andreea and we went for a hike in the woods. It was so nice to embrace the beauties of winter and chat along the way. I love spending time with people who understands enjoying the simple pleasures in life. That is truly all we have to embrace in this world. Despite the frigid zero temperatures it was quite enjoyable and heartwarming. We even took a moment to stand there and reflect on the environment we were in and embrace all of its natural beauties. We both had rosy cheeks and accomplished or 2.7 mile hike! We talked about applying to jobs anywhere and everywhere even Beijing and Australia... oh one can dream! We talked about the beauty and the art of launching oneself. This way the universe can take me in whichever direction it wants to. I have so much more potential as a designer because I care immensely about this world. I want to have the greatest impact I could possibly have given the life I have chosen. Onward and upward. Your potential is infinite... reach for the stars! 

I really can't wait for the future it's so exciting and inspiring <3 

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