Thursday, May 29, 2014

Let go and let life take you

I'm embracing every opportunity to experience life. I went rock climbing and bouldering at Brooklyn boulders and I went to another speed roommating event in Manhattan. I really like this feeing of branching out and meeting new people and experiencing so many different things. Change is great, it makes you realize what it is that you love about certain situations and how you can do better. I'm just riding the waves and I'm not fighting anything and I'm going to blow in whichever direction the wind will take me. 
While rock climing I was left with the option of letting go or climbing back down. I trusted the harness much like I trust life's path and I just let go before I could even think about what I was letting go of. No matter how far you fall there is always a bottom that you can climb up from. I overcame my fear of letting go and experienced far more freedom than I ever imagined. It's the perfect metaphore for my life at this time and place. Just let go and let the earth's elements take you where they may. 

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