Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The road less traveled

Fake it till you make it. I'm going to have kids one day and when they become 21 or so I'll have them read this. Go before others and create the life you envision. Please make the most of everything you are given because those before you have worked so incredibly hard for your inconceivable existence. It's not going to be easy but just know that everything will work itself out. You will be scared and lonely and sad at times. It may seem as if you have nothing. But you have dreams in your heart and passion in your soul that will prevail. Focus on the positives and hold onto all that is good and the days will only get brighter. This is the key to happiness... 
I'm doing everything I can to follow my dreams. I know one day it will pay off and be worth it but in the meantime focusing on what is good and working is sometimes all we have. Even if the good is so small you can barely see it. Know it has potential to be something great. Love it with all your heart. And never give up on something. 

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