Monday, August 25, 2014

Change the world

I want to have the best impact on this earth that I can while I'm here! Success is how much better off the earth is because you lived. I made a deal today that I would start a business and change/save the world if I win the lottery! I played the only one that was playing today (the day I was supposed to be born) and and it turns out it's cash for life. $1000/week for the rest of your life! That would be enough to support me while I change the world! I'm perfectly content with this offer and I'm willing to accept my challenge!!! To be continued... 

Contemplating a Bicycle

I've been volunteering and maintenancing roofs this past month and certain places in Brooklyn are next to impossible to reach and walking is the next best option... What about a bike!? It's super environmental and it's exactly what I'm supposed to use as my transportation except I can think of a million excuses why not to do it. NYC drivers is just one to name and I'm not an amazing bike rider, just not yet but it's a commitment and I'm not sure if I'm a NYC bike rider yet!? Maybe I'll ask for a bike for my birthday!?! And maybe some health insurance to go along with it! Lol

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Man of my dreams

This is the second time today I've been stuck on a train in the subway! No better time to blog ;) get what you want in life, you have to ask for it. I must realize what I want, in order to attain it! 

I wrote a poem in 8th grade and won a poetry contest. 

God created so many wonderful things.
One of the best is what love brings. 

There is more to it but for now let's focus on Love. 

I want Love. The kind of love that you don't find everyday. I want my soulmate and I want to compliment this person in every way possible. It may seem like an unreasonable thing to ask for but it is something I truly believe is out there. You can't have what you don't ask for; so I'm asking!? Hey, you never know and it will happen when you least expect it. 

I want someone who is passionate about life and exploring the world. I want someone that is passionate about something that makes them unique and a good person. I want someone who is passionate about me and about love and wants to live a life of adventure and passion with me. 

I can't wait to live life like this and dream dreams and explore life! This would be the ultimate dream come true. And it will happen sooner than I ever imagined. 
If trees can live in Brooklyn than I will continue to dream! 

Brooklyn Official!

Today I moved to Brooklyn and I'm officially living here for a full year! I'm Independent and ready to find myself in this new home of mine. A dear friend and mentor of mine, Diane helped me move my things to Brooklyn! I don't know what I would do without her! I know I would not be the same person I am today if it weren't for her! She is one of my angels. 
Our adventure to Brooklyn was a lot of fun! I kind of liked driving the UHaul van I rented... It doesn't take much to trump the gem.   I love it here! It's alive with so much life and it truly never sleeps. I mean it!... The bus runs all night long! I have so many fun things I want to do here and I can't wait to be doing them and telling you all about it! The roaring twenties! And I'm officially flying I feel like I have wings and I've taken off in an amazing direction that is so true to my heart. I feel as if I was put on this earth to make a difference and I'm trying with every ounce of my being to make the best impact I can! Here's to a life worth living and being an inspiration for those to follow!  

I made it to prospect park's Brooklyn botanic gardens with my old roommate he found a Brooklyn buckeye and I got to go to my favorite place in all of Brooklyn! And I live just steps away from this beautiful place... I now call home!!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Creating and Being (Brooklyn)

I'm starting to realize how easy it is to get caught up in other peoples interests and how it's easy to loose sight of your own passions. I am having a lot of fun doing the things I like and they make me feel like I'm making a difference in the world or at least in ny or Brooklyn! I started volunteering with the design build team at the Gowanus Canal Conservancy and I'm getting more involved with them and I'm signed up for tree plantings during the week <3 We are building a tetrahedron out of bamboo that floats plants on the canal. It is an experiment to see what can thrive in the canal. I'm so excited to be a part of this project because it's a lot like the competition I was working on except this is real. 

I spent Friday with my roommate and we went for a run in prospect park and layed out on the roof and had a dance party and hula hooped! Later that evening we went to prospect park for celebrate Brooklyns BrazilFest. Saturday, A great friend from home came to visit me and we went to ample hills for a frosty treat and played catch up. Sunday, My cousin came into the city with her friend to visit me for the day! It was so wonderful because I was starting to get lonely in this big city of perfect strangers. I love when someone comes to visit you. It's their way of saying they want to be with you and they'd love to see you. It was such a special day and these little things mean so much to me.