Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Prospect Heights!

So my next adventure begins... I found a great little apartment right on St. Marks on a tree lined street just a few blocks from prospect park! So exciting... I checked out the neighborhood afterwards and they have Ample Hills Creamery right on the corner <3 they have coconut chocolate sorbet that is the next best thing to Chocolato Gelato! Mmmmmmm so damn good! And they have chocolate chip cookie cones and new flavors every week! My roommates are darling... Sally n "CHIMKA" both interning this summer one interior design and the other fashion :) I'm so lucky I found a place so last minute! There are wonderful people looking out for me up there... I'm pretty sure this one had something to do with Dear Sweet Grandfather! He passed away one year ago today... The day I found my first sublet apartment on Craigslist! I'm in great hands... The hands of the earth and I'm trusting the ground beneath me so it may carry me along my journey! Thanks for all the positive vibes and amazing energy you beautiful people! Ooh and did I mention they have quinoa fried chicken and I'm in Love!!! 

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